Adding a Contribution in an Edited Book

Unlike a regular book, contributions in an edited book are dependent publications which must be "children" of a parent reference. Adding a contribution in an edited book requires two steps. First, you will add the edited book itself and then you will add the contribution.

If the book has an ISBN, add the book by ISBN.

Otherwise, add the book manually:

  1. Click Addnew_o_black.
  2. Under Import references or create manually select Additional reference types.
  3. Click Book, Edited.
  4. Click OK. okay_o_black
  5. Fill out the relevant fields.

Then, add the contribution to the edited book:

  1. Make sure the book is selected in the References workspace.
  2. In the Reference type field, click Add contribution.
  3. Fill out the relevant fields.

Want to add another contribution to the same edited book?

  1. In the Reference type field, after Contribution in... click the title of the edited book.
  2. On the dropdown menu, click + Add additional contribution.

Want to check which contributions you already added to an edited book?

  1. Make sure the book is selected in the References workspace.
  2. In the Reference type field, click Contributions (n).
  3. On the dropdown menu you'll see the contributions you already added.