Searching for Articles by Identifier

You can also download citation information for articles with Citavi. The only requirement is that the article must have a unique identifier. Citavi supports these types of identifiers:



Subject area


PMID (PubMed ID)

United States National Library of Medicine

Medicine, Biology


PMCID (PubMed Central ID)

United States National Library of Medicine

Medicine, Biology


DOI (Digital Object Identifier), DataCite


10.1016/ j.lisr.2009.01.002

arXiv ID

Cornell University

Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Statistics, Quantitative Finance, Quantitative Biology


What's the difference between a PMID and a PMCID?

PubMed is the search engine for the MEDLINE database and other biomedical databases. Every reference indexed by PubMed receives a unique PMID. PubMed Central is a database containing biomedical full-text articles. Every reference indexed by PubMed Central receives a unique PMCID. More information can be found here.

Adding a reference using an identifier

  1. Click Add new_o_black.
  2. Select Import reference > DOI, ISBN, PMID, PMCID, arXiv ID.
  3. Enter the desired identifier(s). You can enter more than one identifier at a time.
  4. Click Search.
  5. Click Apply selection to add the reference to your project.


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