Inserting References with Options

Insert with Quotation Page Range

If you want to insert a reference with page numbers, you can use the Citavi Assistant to insert the page numbers when inserting the reference.

  1. Select the reference on the References tab.
  2. Click Insert advanced wrench_black after the desired reference.
  3. Enter the page number(s) in the Page range field, e. g. 14-15.
  4. Click OK okay_o_black.

Please note:

Only numbers should be entered in the Page range field! Why?

Varying Author-Date Citations

You can use alternate formatting for in-text citations in author-date format.

Example 1: ... and so Captain Nemo said "La mer est tout" (Verne 1870, p. 74).
Example 2: Jules Verne has his main character exclaim "La mer est tout" (1870, p. 74).

As a default Citavi inserts citations like the one in Example 1 in the format (author date). You can choose another format if you want:

  1. Select the reference on the References tab.
  2. Click Insert advanced wrench_black.
  3. Choose the format you want from the options provided: Person (Year) or (Person Year). For more options, click Options.

Other options: