Adding an Internet Document

Perhaps you have found a Web page that you want to add to Citavi. How do you add it? First, make sure that no text or graphics on the page are highlighted. Then right-click the selection, point to Citavi Picker, and then click Add webpage as reference.

The Citavi Picker will pull the metadata from the webpage and save it in Citavi. The title of the website, its URL, and the date it was accessed will always be saved. For Wikipedia pages, Citavi will save the permalink to the version of the article that you insert into your project.

Sometimes you may wish to save bibliographic information from a website, for example an article in the online edition of a newspaper, a Wikipedia entry, a YouTube video, or similar.

In such cases, the visible text of the website may not include the necessary information for a later citation. However, this information (e.g. the title, author, and publication date of the web page) can often be found in the page's metadata, contained in its hidden source code.

The Citavi Picker recognizes two types of metadata: "classic" HTML metadata and metadata using Highwire Press tags. The quality and extent of the metadata available on a webpage can vary widely. You should always double check the information that's imported and add to it where necessary, especially for author names.


Often the "last update" date on a website is incorrect, since many websites are dynamically generated using a Content Management System. The date of the last update is then the same as the access date. If you see in Citavi that the Last update and Access date fields contain the same date, this is suspicious. In this case, double-check the "last update" date. You can usually find it at the bottom of a website.