Creating a selection of references

You can filter the references in your project according to various criteria:

Example: Using keywords for the selection

Creating a selection

  1. In the Show column, click the desired criterion, e.g. Keywords.
  2. Highlight a keyword.
  3. In the Selected references column you will see all the references that contain that keyword.

Replacing a selection

  1. In the Show column, click another keyword.
  2. In the Selected references column you will see all the references that contain the new keyword.

Expanding a selection

  1. Mark the desired keyword in the selection by clicking the Pushpin pin0.
  2. Mark additional keywords with the pushpin by clicking the Pushpin pin0 after the respective keywords.
  3. In the Selected references column, all the references appear that contain at least one of the selected keywords (= OR).

Limiting a selection

  1. In the Show column, click the desired criterion, e.g. Keywords.
  2. Highlight a keyword.
  3. In the Selected references column you will see all the references that have that keyword.
  4. Add additional keywords as needed to expand the selection. Citavi automatically links these with OR.
  5. Click the More criteria filter_o_black_more icon.
  6. Click Narrow results.
  7. In the Multiple selection column, click an addition criterion, e.g. Year of publication.
  8. Select or specify your desired time frame.
  9. In the Selected references column, you will see all the references that meet all your criteria: at least one of the designated keywords AND the specified year of publication.

Please note:

The following categories do not permit multiple criteria linked with OR: History, Labels, Selected references, Year of publication.