Creating a selection of references
You can filter the references in your project according to various criteria:
- You will receive more results if you search for multiple criteria of the same type (e.g. keywords). Citavi automatically links these with the operator OR.
- You will receive more precise (fewer) results if you combine criteria of different types (e.g. keywords and year of publication). Citavi automatically links these with the operator AND.
Example: Using keywords for the selection
Creating a selection
- In the Show column, click the desired criterion, e.g. Keywords.
- Highlight a keyword.
- In the Selected references column you will see all the references that contain that keyword.
Replacing a selection
- In the Show column, click another keyword.
- In the Selected references column you will see all the references that contain the new keyword.
Expanding a selection
- Mark the desired keyword in the selection by clicking the Pushpin
- Mark additional keywords with the pushpin by clicking the Pushpin
after the respective keywords.
- In the Selected references column, all the references appear that contain at least one of the selected keywords (= OR).
Limiting a selection
- In the Show column, click the desired criterion, e.g. Keywords.
- Highlight a keyword.
- In the Selected references column you will see all the references that have that keyword.
- Add additional keywords as needed to expand the selection. Citavi automatically links these with OR.
- Click the More criteria
- Click Narrow results.
- In the Multiple selection column, click an addition criterion, e.g. Year of publication.
- Select or specify your desired time frame.
- In the Selected references column, you will see all the references that meet all your criteria: at least one of the designated keywords AND the specified year of publication.
Please note:
The following categories do not permit multiple criteria linked with OR: History, Labels, Selected references, Year of publication.