Saving PDF Files

You may wish to export PDF files from a Cloud project, for example if you

Saving PDF Files locally

As needed, identify a selection of references whose attachments you want to save locally.

  1. In the References workpace, click More more_o_black.
  2. Click Export.
  3. Click Save attachments to device.
  4. Select the PDF files you wish to save.
  5. Select whether the files should be exported with annotations.
  6. Select whether Citavi citation information (author, year, title, etc.) should be saved in the files' metadata. We recommend selecting this option so that other users can import the files into Citavi and benefit from your improvements to the citation information.
  7. Click Save.

After a short wait, your exported files will be available for download. If you are exporting more than one PDF file, Citavi Web will compile them in a ZIP archive.