Time Zones in Citavi

International teams often work in different time zones. Citavi supports collaboration across time zones by saving changes to created and modified times in the database in UTC format. In the user interface, dates and times will continue to be displayed in the local time zone.

This feature only affects the following Citavi fields: Created on, Changed on, Task assigned on.


Urs and Jenny are working on a cloud project but in different locations. Urs is working in Bern (CEST time zone). He adds a journal article in Citavi. In the Created on field he sees the entry 2019-03-18 08:00. In the database, the date and time are saved as 2019-03-18 06:00 UTC. Jenny is working in Seattle (PDT time zone). Jenny sees that Urs added a new journal article. Citavi recalculates the time and displays the change in Jenny's time zone: 2019-03-17 23:00.