Adding Direct Quotations (Blue Highlights)

You can add a Direct Quotation when you wish to use a word-for-word except of text.

Selecting text and creating a direct quotation

  1. Use the text selection tool to select the text you want to highlight: Icon: Text Selection Tool
  2. Click Direct Quotation.
  3. The selected text will be highlighted in blue and added as a Quotation. Citavi automatically creates the Core Statement from the first words of the highlighted text.
  4. Edit the core statement as needed.
  5. Double check the quotation text. Sometimes you might need to make corrections. For example, if you created a quotation out of several separate text passages, you'll need to insert ellipses for the omitted text. If a quotation extended over two pages you'll have an unnecessary line break. From some PDFs the formatting (bold, italics) can't be imported. From others you might see unnecessary hyphens. Anytime you shorten the text of a quotation or make insertions, you must not change the meaning of the quotation and you must make your changes visible.
  6. You can use Categories, Groups or Keywords as needed.
  7. Complete or correct the content of the Pages to-from field, in which you can location you took the quotation from.
  8. If you want to add your own comments to a quotation, insert a new paragraph and add the comment in brackets with your name or initials. To avoid any mix-up, we recommend creating a separate comment.