Excerpting image quotations

This function is not available in the beta version of Citavi Web.

You can use Image Quotations to add figures, tables, or graphics from a PDF.

Selecting an image and adding it as an Image Quotation

  1. Use the snapshot tool to drag a border around the image or table: Icon: Snapshot Tool
  2. Click Image quotation.
  3. Edit the Caption. The text from the caption will later be visible in the Word Add-In on the Knowledge tab and is inserted as a caption in Word when you insert the image with the Add-In. In the Caption field you should also include copyright information if applicable. Add the original caption of the image in the Description field if your caption differs from it. You can also include copyright information in the Description field.
  4. Often images, figures, and tables you find in a PDF also come from other sources. If the original source is available, you should use it. If not, you should create a secondary citation. Add the original source information to the Description field.
  5. Click OK.