Adding Articles by DOI Name or PubMed ID

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You can download bibliographic information for articles as easily as you can for books with ISBNs. The only requirement is that the article have a DOI name or PubMed ID.

A Digital Object Identifier (DOI name) looks similar to a Web address, but unlike a Web address, it is a permanent locator. A DOI name can be used both to find a particular article and also to download its bibliographic information. You can identify a DOI name by its address: or doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2008.07.004

PubMed is the world's largest database of citations for biomedical and life science literature. Every article is assigned a PubMed ID (PMID). If you have an article with a PubMed ID, you can use it to download the article's bibliographic information with Citavi. You can identify a PubMed ID by its prefix: PMID 20439253

Adding an Article by DOI Name

1.On the References menu, select Retrieve by ISBN or other identifier, or click Retrieve by ISBN in the toolbar.

2.Enter the DOI name in the Manual entry field, for example, 10.1016/j.nedt.2008.07.004 (you can leave out the "doi" prefix), then click Add.

3.Citavi downloads the bibliographic information from Make sure you have an active Internet connection.

4.Click Add to project.

Adding an Article by PubMed ID

1.On the References menu, select Retrieve by ISBN or other identifier, or click Retrieve by ISBN in the toolbar.

2.Enter the PubMed ID in the Manual entry field, for example 20439253 (you can leave out the "PMID" prefix), then click Add.

3.Citavi downloads the bibliographic information from PubMed. Make sure you have an active Internet connection.

4.Click Add to project.


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