Additional Privacy Information

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Citavi does not send any user- or computer-specific data over the Internet. Specifically, the following communication occurs:

Each time you use a Citavi feature that uses the Internet, Citavi attempts to connect to the Citavi servers with a basic HTTP request to determine whether there is an active Internet connection.

When Citavi is started, it connects to the Citavi servers to check for updates.

When performing online searches, importing from files or from other programs, and when using citation styles we provide, Citavi connects to the Citavi servers to check for updated versions of the transformers and citation styles, then downloads the new version if available.

When performing online searches, only the search term and login credentials (if necessary) are transmitted. There are two kinds of connections to online resources (catalogs and databases):

oWeb service: These online resources communicate over the ordinary HTTP protocol on the default port 80. These services are always contacted directly.

oZ39.50: These online resources use the Z39.50 protocol that is commonly used by libraries. Though it can use any port number, ports 210 and 20010 are common. If Citavi cannot communicate with a Z39.50 service directly, it will send the request to the Citavi server using a standard port 80 HTTP request. The Citavi server then forwards the request to the Z39.50 service, and then returns the results. The Citavi server does not save any data.\

If a Citavi program error occurs, the user is asked to send an error report e-mail message to us. If the user agrees, the user's default e-mail program opens a new e-mail message with the error report, including the Citavi version number and Windows version number. The error report may contain personally identifying information, such as a file path containing the user's user name. The user can review and edit the report before sending it. The user must send the message, it is never sent automatically.

URL for this page: (Last updated: 05.10.2011 15:03:18)
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