To use Citavi on a new computer, follow these steps:
Save Your Data on the Old Computer
As a default, all of your personal Citavi files, including your projects and any citation styles you may have created, are stored in the Citavi 3 folder inside Documents (My Documents on Windows XP). Copy the entire Citavi 3 folder to an external drive (e.g. a USB flash drive or a network share). Note: If you burn the folder to a CD and then copy it back, the files will be read-only. To use the files, you must make the files writable. To do this, right-click a file, click Properties, and then clear the Read-only checkbox.
Install Citavi on the New Computer
1.Download the latest version of Citavi from our website:
2.Double-click CitaviSetup.exe and complete the installation.
3.Copy the files you saved onto the new computer. Move the Citavi 3 folder into Documents (or My Documents). You can overwrite the existing Citavi folder with the one from your disk.
4.Start Citavi. If you have a license key, open a project, and then on the Help menu, click License.
URL for this page: (Last updated: 14.06.2011 16:08:04)
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