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File Locations: User Files

To change where Citavi saves your user files, click the button to select the folder. You must restart Citavi for this change to take effect.

File Locations: Enable Offline Copies of Non-Local Projects (Caching)

Citavi saves local copies of projects when two conditions are met: 1) the project is on a network share, and 2) Citavi is started locally, not from an application server or terminal server.

Clear this checkbox to disable caching.

Backups: Backups

Citavi can automatically create backups of your projects. After working on a project, it will be copied to a ZIP archive and saved in the folder that you choose. This option lets you set whether Citavi backs up your project automatically or only with confirmation. You can also set Citavi to make no backups (not recommended).

Backups: Folder

Click the browse button to select the folder where Citavi saves your backups.

Backups: Number of Versions

Citavi can save multiple backups of a project. You can identify each backup from the date and time saved in the file name. You can select the number of backups Citavi saves for you (we recommend at least 3).

Paths: Use Relative Paths

In a computer file system, a path shows the complete route to a file or folder. By default, Citavi uses absolute paths, which specify the absolute location of a file, independent of other files. For example, if you link a PDF file to a reference, the Location field of a local file might show a path like this:
However, on your office computer, the path might be different, for example:
If you work on two computers, this can lead to problems because files may not be found.
Alternatively, you can choose to use relative paths, which show the location of a file relative to your project file. Turn on the Use relative paths option in Citavi on both computers, and keep linked files together with the project folder. A good practice is to create a folder for attachments in the same folder as the Citavi project. Then, any time you copy or move the project, just copy or move the attachments folder with it.
If you have been using absolute paths and then change to relative paths, existing references will not change automatically.

Paths: Convert Paths

Click Convert paths to change existing absolute paths to relative paths.

Paths: Repair Paths

If you need to fix the paths of linked files in your project (for example, if you move your project from "C:\" to "D:\"), click Repair paths.

Clear Recent Items

Citavi remembers projects and documents you used recently. Click here to clear the list of recent items. After the list has been cleared, the welcome screen will only show projects in the User files folder.

URL for this page: (Last updated: 05.10.2011 15:05:32)
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