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Default Text Style for Formattable Text Fields

The default text style for formattable text fields (abstract, table of contents, quotations, thoughts) is 9-point Segoe UI (under Windows Vista or later), or Arial Unicode MS (under Windows XP). Click Default to restore the default style. Changes you will make here do not affect existing text.

Select Show fonts in their own typefaces to preview fonts in their own typefaces in font menus. This makes choosing a font easier, but slows down the font menus slightly, particularly on slower computers.

Knowledge Items: Quote Knowledge Items As

Text, citations, and bibliography: Copies the knowledge item text with citations and a bibliography.

Text and placeholders: Copies the knowledge item text with placeholders for later use with the Format publication feature.

Placeholders only: Copies only the placeholders for the references the knowledge items belong to. The text of the knowledge items is not copied.

Knowledge Items: Include Core Statements

Select this option to include the core statements when you export knowledge items or copy them to the Clipboard.

Date Format

Choose the date format Citavi uses when you right-click a field and insert the current date. Select Custom if none of the default formats meet your needs. Changes to this setting only affect new dates, not existing dates.

Year Derived Includes Original Publication

The Year derived component is used primarily in the citation style editor. It derives the year of publication of a reference in the following order:

1.Date of the reference

2.Year of the reference

3.Date of the parent reference

4.Year of the parent reference.

For each of these, Year derived checks if the field exists in the reference type and whether it contains anything.

When this option is selected, Year derived first checks whether a year is present in the Original publication field (of the reference or its parent reference) and uses it if present.

URL for this page: (Last updated: 06.09.2011 14:32:14)
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