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Online Booksellers

Citavi can help you order books online. Click Online booksellers to choose the booksellers you want to use, and to set the preferred search order.

Bookseller Order by E-mail

If you have a preferred bookseller, you can enter its e-mail address here. With it, Citavi can automatically compose an e-mail message to the seller. To place an order, on the Tasks & locations tab, click Order > Book by e-mail.

Other Ordering by E-mail

If you have access to a service provider that can make copies of journal articles, books, etc., you can enter its e-mail address here. With it, Citavi can automatically compose an e-mail message to the service provider. To place an order, on the Tasks & locations tab, click Order > Other by e-mail.

E-mail Text for Bookseller Orders

This cover letter is automatically included in an e-mail message to the bookseller. For example, you might include a greeting, and delivery and billing addresses. Below this text, Citavi inserts the bibliographic information of the book.

E-mail Text For Other Orders

This cover letter is automatically included in an e-mail message to the service provider. For example, you might include a greeting, and delivery and billing addresses. Below this text, Citavi inserts the bibliographic information of the reference.

URL for this page: http://manual.citavi.com/en/?options_ordering.htm (Last updated: 06.09.2011 14:32:14)
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