Quick Search

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Use Quick search to find any item in your project. We recommend using Quick search for smaller projects with up to 300 references to ensure that the result list is not too long that it's difficult to use. For larger projects, you may obtain better results using the Advanced search.

Using Quick Search

1.In the Reference Editor, in the toolbar, click Search.

2.Type in the search term. You can use field abbreviations to restrict the search to specific fields.

3.Click Search or press Enter to perform the search.

Click Apply search results as selection to hide the other references in the project.

Applying and Canceling Selections

The function Apply search results as selection allows you to easily perform other actions with a subset of your references.

1.Perform a search.

2.Click Apply search results as selection.

3.Work on the selected references as needed.

4.Click Cancel selection to show all references.

URL for this page: http://manual.citavi.com/en/?quick_search.htm (Last updated: 14.06.2011 15:25:26)
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