Searching with Comparison Operators

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Comparison operators let you refine your searches in both the Quick search and Advanced search. For example, you may want to find references published after 2004, or references that don't have a location.

Greater Than and Less Than

Use these operators to find references published within a particular time span:

>Greater than
<Less than
>=Greater than or equal
<=Less than or equal


What you want to find:

What to type in the Search criteria box:

References published before 2010

d: < 2010

References added to a Citavi project in 2010

"created on": = 2010

Thoughts and quotations that were added to a Citavi project between November 30, 2010 and March 4, 2011

"created on": >=30.11.2010 AND "created on" <=4.3.20011

Empty and Not Empty

To restrict a search to references with a field that is empty (or not empty, i.e. with any content in the field), use the exclamation point or asterisk:

!Is empty
*Is not empty

Example: Finding references whose bibliographic information has not yet been verified:

What you want to find:

What to type in the Search criteria box:

References without keywords

k: !

References that have not yet been checked against the original source

"original checked by/on": !

References with an original publication date

"original publication": *

URL for this page: (Last updated: 14.06.2011 15:26:36)
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