Short Titles, Citations, and Citation Keys

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Short Titles

Every new reference you enter in Citavi is given a short title used to identify it within a project. Citavi automatically generates a short title for every reference, but you can change it at any time.

Citavi creates the short title following this model: "Bawden 2001 – Information and Digital Literacies". The last name is first, followed by the year of publication, then a dash, and then the beginning of the title.

To change the short title, you can double-click it, or you can hover the mouse pointer over the short title that appears just below the toolbar and then click Edit:

Editing a short title

Type the new short title and then click OK:

Entering a new short title

The Citavi short title is not intended for use in your formatted paper. Instead, Citavi will generate formatted citations in the text or in a footnote, for example (Bawden 2001)or Bawden 2001, Literacies, or even just a number, like [24]. Citations are formatted solely by the citation style, so you do not need to worry about them when entering information.

Citation Keys

A few citation styles use in-text citation keys — for example [Baw01] — to refer to specific references. For example, a citation key might consist of the first word of the title, without articles, or the first letters of the last names of the first three authors of a reference.

The Citation Key Editor lets you define the rules for generating citation keys with even more control than the citation style editor allows. On the Tools menu, click Options, then select the Citation key support checkbox and click Configure.


Short titles help you to quickly find a reference within Citavi.

Citations are used in your paper to cite references whose full bibliographic information is given in the bibliography.

Citation keys are rare but also are used to cite references whose full bibliographic information is given in the bibliography. You can define the template used to generate citation keys automatically, and you can change a citation key manually if necessary.

URL for this page: (Last updated: 06.09.2011 08:02:00)
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