Tips for Names of Persons

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Most names consist of a first name and a last name and are therefore easy to add. Things become complicated when you want to record a title of nobility or a name affix.

In general, you should record a person's name the same way they use it themselves. The following cases are exceptions:



Biblical names

Paul [Apostle]

Ancient Greek, Ancient Roman or Byzantine names

Andron [Alexandrinus]
Andron [Historicus]
Andron [Teius]

Medieval names

Bernardus [Claraevallensis]
Bernardus [de Waging]

Names of royalty

Louis [France, Roi, XI.]
Louis [France, Roi, XVI.]

Names of popes and clerical dignitaries

Pius [Papa, X.]
Pius [Papa, XII.]

Names of very famous people that are often cited with different affixes

Cranach, Lucas [The Elder]
Cranach, Lucas [The Younger]

Open the author details dialog by placing the insertion point in the Author or Editor field, then pressing F9) and enter the name affixes in brackets following the last name.

If the person published using a pseudonym, enter his or her real name in the author field. Make a note of the person's pseudonym in the Title supplements field, space permitting.


There are no consistent rules for when you should cite a pseudonym instead of a real name. If a person is generally known by his or her pseudonym, his or her works are listed under this name (for example, Caravaggio), it is usually fine to cite the person by his or her pseudonym.

Titles of nobility, job titles, clerical titles, honorary titles, and similar are usually not considered when recording people's names:


in Citavi

Otto, Prince of Bismarck

Bismarck, Otto von

Prof. Dr. Norbert Henrichs

Henrichs, Norbert

Sir Peter Ustinov

Ustinov, Peter

Father Alban Dold, O.S.B.

Dold, Alban


Prefixes — prepositions, articles and their combinations — are linked to either the first or last name depending on the language region or citation style. Use the author editor to specify how names should be recorded by placing the insertion point in the Author box and pressing F9.

If you decide not to enter a person's name using the author editor, please note the following rules:

In German-speaking areas, prefixes are attached to the person's first name:


in Citavi

Max von der Grün

Grün, Max von der

Karl Reichsfreiherr vom und zum Stein

Stein, Karl vom und zum

Prefixes are attached to the last name as follows:

a) if prepositions and articles are placed before the surname:


in Citavi

Jürgen vom Scheidt

Vom Scheidt, Jürgen

b) in Luxembourgian names:


in Citavi

Émile van der Vekene

Van der Vekene, Émile

c) in English-speaking areas:


in Citavi

Daphne du Maurier

Du Maurier, Daphne

Knightley d’Anvers

D’Anvers, Knightley

d) the Scottish "Mac/Mc" is always part of a last name:


in Citavi

Arthur MacDonald

MacDonald, Arthur

e) in French, Italian and Spanish names as with names of Latin origin:


in Citavi

Jean de La Fontaine

La Fontaine, Jean de

Antonio Di Pietro

Di Pietro, Antonio

Maria Della Casa

Della Casa, Maria

Gertrud von le Fort

Le Fort, Gertrud von

Multiple Last Names

In Spanish and American names, a person may have two different surnames. In Spanish, use the first surname to reference the person. In American English use the second last name.


in Citavi

Luis Eduardo Romero Vera

Romero Vera, Luis Eduardo

Martin Luther King

King, Martin Luther

Hyphenated names are regarded as one name and are recorded as such.


in Citavi

Dieter Meyer-Renschhausen

Meyer-Renschhausen, Dieter

Klaus-Dieter Meyer-Schmidt

Meyer-Schmidt, Klaus-Dieter

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