Creating a Publication with Writer

You are using Writer from 3 to write a thesis or journal submission. Using Citavi's Publication Assistant you can insert your sources and quotations in your Writer document. When your document is finished, format it with Citavi. Citavi searches the placeholders in your document, replaces them with the correct formatting, and adds a bibliography.

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Open your Writer document.

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In Citavi, on the Citation menu, click Publication Assistant.

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Click Float to keep the Publication Assistant in focus.

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To save space on small screens, click Mini to make the Publication Assistant smaller.

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Double-click a reference to insert it.

Citavi inserts the reference using placeholders: {Name Year #Sequence number}.

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Quotations are inserted the same way. Double-click a quotation to insert it.

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After you have inserted all of your references, format your publication. Citavi replaces the placeholders with formatted references and creates a bibliography containing all sources cited.

On the Citation menu, click Format publication and then click Choose documents.

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Select the document you want to format.

Citavi scans your document for placeholders. Placeholders that were successfully matched to a single reference appear with a green check mark. A red "X" indicates a broken placeholder; double check the placeholder against the reference's sequence number.

Click Format.

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Citavi creates a copy of your document and appends the selected citation style to the file name.

Important: Never insert additional placeholders into a formatted document. When you need to make changes to your document, always edit the unformatted manuscript and then format again.

Hint: Under Tools > Options you can specify that should insert a footnote rather than an in-text citation.