Documenting relationships

Does an author refer to the work of other authors? If so, is the appraisal positive or negative? If you are traciing the developments on a particular topic over time, it can be useful to document such relationships in Citavi.

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Switch to the Context tab.

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Click the Plus icon.

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Under This reference links to , click the New link button and select the reference that was referred to in the current reference.

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To evaluate whether an appraisal was positive or negative, click the scale. It is often helpful to insert an explanatory note with a few details about the author's mention of the reference.

In our example you can see that Andretta positively reviewed Allan's article.

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Switch to the discussed work by clicking Go to.

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On the reviewed work's Context tab, you can view other works that contained a discussion of the same reference.

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You can also see your links in the Add-In for Microsoft Word.