Adding Thoughts

The Thoughts lets you save and manage comments and explanations about any reference, topic, or project you are working on. By assigning categories to thoughts, you can create a web of relationships that can help you structure your ideas and arguments. We recommend using the Knowledge Organizer to record your thoughts.

If you have assigned a category to a quotation, you can place a thought directly after it in the list of quotations. If a quotation or group of quotations does not have any categories assigned to it, then thoughts will be added to the end of the No categories list. Please note that these uncategorized thoughts and quotations cannot be sorted.

Please also read the notes on the Evaluation and Notes fields.

hmtoggle_plus1 Adding a Text Thought

  1. In the Reference Editor or Knowledge Organizer, click Thought in the toolbar, or press Ctrl+I.
  2. In the Core Statement field, type a concise formulation of the central idea of the thought.
  3. Enter the thought in more detail in the Text field.
  4. Enter Keywords if desired.
  5. In the Categories field, assign one or more categories that help establish relationships with other quotations or thoughts.

The Modified field will automatically update with your initials and the date.

hmtoggle_plus1 Adding an Image or File Thought

Perhaps you photographed an image on a slide during a presentation. Or you created a draft outline that you then scanned into your computer. You can add these image files as thoughts as well.

  1. In the Reference Editor or in the Knowledge Organizer, click the arrow next to Thought in the toolbar and then click Image or file.
  2. Enter a Caption for later publication.
  3. Click Add file. Locate the file on your computer. Citavi will insert the file location in the Path field.
  4. Complete the rest of the fields. Enter a detailed Description for your own use.
  5. Enter Keywords if desired.
  6. In the Categories field, assign one or more categories that help establish relationships with other quotations or thoughts.

The Modified field will automatically update with your initials and the date.

Double-click the preview image to open the original file in the default program. To delete the image, click to select it and then on the Edit menu, click Delete.

hmtoggle_plus1 Copying a Thought to Another Project

  1. Switch to the Knowledge Organizer and select one or more thoughts. (To select multiple thoughts, hold the Ctrl key and click each thought.)
  2. Press Ctrl+C.
  3. Open the project you want to add the thought to and switch to the Knowledge Organizer.
  4. Press Ctrl+V to insert the thought.