Defining Administrative Settings

You can create default settings for Citavi when running it both on client computers and Terminal Server sessions. You can also block certain features, such as the automatic update detection.

hmtoggle_plus1 Define and Export Settings

  1. Select the desired Settings.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Options. Switch to the Folders tab and click Administrative Settings Assistant. Follow the recommendations and the Quick Help. Choose where the folder for user files should be created.

hmtoggle_plus1 About Administrative Settings

When Citavi starts, it checks the bib folder (contained within the Citavi program folder) for the administrative settings files AdminSettings.csd and InitialSettings.csd, both of which are XML files.

InitialSettings.csd contains your default configuration and is only applied the very first time Citavi is run within a user account. Afterwards, the user can modify any of these settings.

AdminSettings.csd contains disabled options and is applied every time Citavi is run. The user cannot override these settings (provided, of course, that they do not have write access to the Citavi program folder to remove the AdminSettings.csd file).