
hmtoggle_plus1 User Name and Initials

Citavi uses your name and initials exclusively for logging changes to projects, and for printing various lists. This helps you organize your work and is useful if you work in a team or share bibliographic information with others. The User name is used to identify the initials used throughout Citavi. Citavi automatically generates Initials from the first and last name of the user name. If you work in a team, make sure the initials are unique.

hmtoggle_plus1 Open Last Project when Citavi Starts (Skip Welcome Screen)

Select this option to automatically reopen the last project you worked on when you start Citavi. The welcome screen is skipped.

hmtoggle_plus1 Generate Core Statements Automatically

Select this option to automatically use the first few words of a new quotation as the core statement.

hmtoggle_plus1 TeX Support

Select this option if you are using TeX and want to insert BibTeX keys and quotations into TeX documents using the Publication Assistant. After you have selected this option, click Customize to edit the template Citavi uses to generate BibTeX keys. For more information, see Creating a Publication with TeX.

hmtoggle_plus1 Citation Key Support

Select this option to use citation keys in your publications. Citation keys are used in certain disciplines, such as chemistry or computer science. For example, the citation key "Kor06" might refer to the reference "Kornberg 2006". When you have selected this option, click Customize to change the template Citavi uses to generate citation keys.

hmtoggle_plus1 Reset Warnings

Some Citavi warnings include an option to not show the warning again. Click Reset warnings to display all warnings again.

hmtoggle_plus1 Publication Assistant: Default Word Processor

Select the word processing program that you want to use with Citavi. The Publication Assistant inserts references, quotations and thoughts directly into the active document in the selected program.

hmtoggle_plus1 Publication Assistant: Double-Click Refrence and Double-Click Knowledge Item

Select what the Publication Assistant does when you double click a reference or knowledge item. You can choose among:




Copies the placeholder and/or quotation with placeholder to the Clipboard

Copy or insert with options

Opens the option menu so that you can apply an option before copying or inserting a placeholder

Insert in Microsoft Word (or other selected default word processor)

Inserts the placeholder and/or quotation with placeholder in your word processor

Insert in Microsoft Word as footnote (or in other selected default word processor)

Inserts the placeholder and/or quotation with placeholder as a footnote in your word processor

Show reference / Edit knowledge item

Open the reference or knowledge item for editing

hmtoggle_plus1 Publication Assistant: Insert Sequence Number

When formatting a publication, Citavi searches a document for placeholders (text in braces). If there is a sequence number within the braces (for example, #134) Citavi can positively identify the reference. If there is no sequence number, Citavi will attempt to identify the reference by author and year. This option should usually be turned on. You should turn off this option if you are working with multiple Citavi projects where the same references likely have different sequence numbers.

hmtoggle_plus1 When Using TeX Support: Cite Command

The \cite command is used by LaTeX to insert a BibTeX citation. If necessary, you can enter multiple commands here for quick access in the Publication Assistant. For example, for the natbib package, enter: \citet; \citep; \citealt.

hmtoggle_plus1 When Using TeX Support: Quote Command

The "quote" command is used by LaTeX to insert a quotation. Replace quote with quotation to indent the first line of the quotation. If the quotation is a poem, replace quote with verse to preserve line breaks. If necessary, you can enter multiple commands here for quick access in the Publication Assistant. Separate the commands with semicolons. quote; quotation; verse.

hmtoggle_plus1 When Using TeX Support: Line Break Command

Configure how Citavi encodes line breaks when exporting TeX (for example, in longer quotations). Common commands are \newline and \par.

hmtoggle_plus1 When Using TeX Support: LaTeX Project Folder

Select the folder where your LaTeX editor saves LaTeX projects. When you insert an image quoation from Citavi into your LaTeX editor, Citavi copies the image file to this folder.