New in Citavi 4
Citavi Add-In for Word
Insert your references in Word exactly as prescribed by your selected citation style. The bibliography is updated in real time with each added or deleted citation. Word documents created with the Citavi 3 Publication Assistant can be converted for use with the Word Add-In. |
Picker for Google Chrome
Automatically add books by ISBN number and articles by DOI address to your project. Add webpages as well as text and images. |
Support for Higher Resolution Display Settings
If you use Windows with 120 DPI or 125% resolution, text in Citavi's user interface is now enlarged accordingly. |
Search and Replace
Search and replace is now available for text fields. |
Gender Recognition of Authors’ First Names
Citavi determines the gender of an author using the first name so that certain citation style requirements can be met (ders./dies. in German styles; id./ead./eid./eaed.). An active internet connection is required. |
Insertion of Names in Reverse Order
Using the Clipboard
When using the Clipboard to insert names, names are automatically reversed if necessary. For example, "Michael Smith und John Loffler" are changed to "Smith, Michael; Loffler, John". |
Easier File Linking
A new dialogue field for adding files makes it possible to link multiple files to a reference at once. |
Renaming of Linked Files
In addition to Citavi’s automatic file renaming feature, manual renaming of files is also possible from within Citavi. |
New Filter Options
You can now only show references with n stars or only show references that do not have a linked file. |
Easier Selection from Existing Categories
In Citavi 3 the Category field was read-only; to enter new categories the Category form had to be opened. In Citavi 4 categories can be typed directly into the Category field. |
Efficient Editing of Knowledge Items
Knowledge items can now be edited in-line by double-clicking and categories can be entered directly. |
Sorting of Knowledge Items
In the Knowledge Organizer, knowledge items can be automatically sorted according to various criteria. |
Inserting Indirect Quotations with Cf.
The Citation Style Editor now makes it possible to define prefixes and suffixes for knowledge items. You can use this feature to automatically insert "cf." in front of indirect quotations. |
Improved Citation Style Editor
Additional conditions, the option to combine custom conditions with those in Citavi, programmable components, programmable sort-orders for bibliographies, and additional settings for page ranges and places of publication are now available making it possible to fulfill the requirements of highly complex citation styles. |
Citavi in Spanish and Portuguese
Citavi can now be displayed in Spanish and Portuguese in addition to English, German, French, Italian, and Polish. To change the language, click Tools > Change language. |
New Setup Program
Citavi 4 now uses the widely-used and robust InstallShield for the installation process. |
New Platform: .NET Framework 4.5
Citavi 4 uses Microsoft's .NET Framework 4.5. |
New Manual
The manual now is divided into two main parts. Getting Started is composed of many online slideshows. Citavi in Detail covers more advanced features. |