Enabling or Disabling the Citavi icon

Sometimes you may not want the Citavi icon to be displayed, for example, if you're making a screenshot for a presentation or if you're editing the source code of a website. You can disable the ISBN and DOI detection temporarily or permanently.

hmtoggle_plus1 Disabling the ISBN and DOI detection temporarily

  1. Open up a webpage in your browser.
  2. Right-click the page.
  3. On the Shortcut menu, point to Citavi Picker and then click Settings.
  4. Clear the ISBN and DOI detection checkbox.

hmtoggle_plus1 Disabling the ISBN and DOI detection permanently for specific websites

If the Citavi icon continously appears on a page where it is not wanted, you can create a Blacklist to prevent the Citavi icon from appearing on this page. Create a text file and save it with the name blacklist.txt. Then enter each domain in the file:

  • In Windows 8, 7 or Vista, save the file here:
    %ProgramData%\Swiss Academic Software\Citavi Picker\Blacklist.txt

Each domain should appear on a separate line. For example:




In the first example, the Picker would not appear on any page that appeared under www.uni-muenschen.de/cms/.

In the second example, all pages would be excluded that had the characters muenchen.de in the URL.

In the third example all websites with the letters cms in the URL would be excluded.