Options for Starting Citavi

You can start Citavi using several different options:

  1. If you do not yet have a shortcut to Citavi on the desktop, create one. Right-click the file "C:\Program Files (x86)\Citavi 4\bin\Citavi.exe". Select Send to > Desktop (create shortcut).
  2. Right-click the Citavi Icon on the Desktop.
  3. Click Properties > Shortcut.
  4. In the Target field add one of the following options after "C:\Program Files (x86)\Citavi 4\bin\Citavi.exe":


What it does


This option enables internal activy logging as soon as you start Citavi.

Use this option if an error is making it impossible to open or create a project and as a result you are unalbe to enable activity logging via the Options dialog.

To send the error log to the Citavi Support, switch to Windows Explorer and enter: %programdata%\Gibraltar\Local Logs. Select all the files in this folder, right-click and select Send to > Markieren Sie alle im Ordner enthaltenen Dateien und wählen Sie über einen Rechtsklick den Befehl Senden an > Compressed (zipped) folder. Send the Zip file to service@citavi.com

/noScratch (Citavi 4.1 only)

This option forces Citavi to save all program data in the RAM.

In rare cases the exception Microsoft.­Isam.­Esent.­Interop.­Esent­Sector­Size­Not­Supported­Exception occurs in one of the internal Windows databases that Citavi uses. This occurs when the computer that Citavi is being used on does not support a feature that Citavi needs to free up RAM. Citavi cannot react to the error message..

The update to Citavi 4.2 will solve this problem, but if you are unable to perform an update, use the /noScratch option if you receive this exception.


This option lets you work with multiple instances of Citavi.

Use this option to run multi-user tests on a computer.