Exceptions: Biblical Names, Names of Popes and Clerical Dignitaries, Etc.

Open the author details dialog by placing the insertion point in the Author, Editor, or Collaborators field, press F9, and enter the name affixes in brackets following the last name.



Biblical names

Paulus [Apostle]

Ancient Greek, Ancient Roman or Byzantine names

Andron [Alexandrinus]
Andron [Historicus]
Andron [Teius]

Medieval names

Bernardus [Claraevallensis]
Bernardus [de Waging]

Names of royalty

Louis [France, Roi, XI.]
Louis [France, Roi, XVI.]

Names of popes and clerical dignitaries

Pius [Papa, X.]
Pius [Papa, XII.]

Names of very famous people that are often cited with different affixes

Cranach, Lucas [The Elder]
Cranach, Lucas [The Younger]