Saving Screenshots

A webpage's contents may change frequently. By taking a "snapshot" of a webpage, you can save a copy in Citavi as the Cover art for the corresponding Internet document.

Save a Screenshot as a Cover Using the Citavi Picker

  1. Make sure that no text or image is highlighted, then right-click the page, point to Citavi Picker and click Add Screen as Screenshot.
  2. [Not available in the Picker for Google Chrome:] For a readable screenshot, it's best to select the option Image of the current window (and then to modify the size).

Save a Screenshot as a Cover Using Another Program

  1. Use your favorite screenshot program to create a screenshot of a webpage.
  2. Copy the image to the Clipboard.
  3. In Citavi on the Overview tab, click in the Cover art field. Click the plus sign icon. Select Paste cover art from Clipboard.