Using a University Site License

Many educational institutions, companies, and organizations have purchased site licenses for their employees and students. As a member of a participating organization, you can request a free license key for Citavi for Windows. Check here.

Using a Site License

  1. Install Citavi, if you have not done so already.
  2. In this list, click the name of your institution. You'll be redirected to the Citavi Account registration form.
  3. Start Citavi. On the Welcome Screen, click the account icon in the upper right corner: Icon: Account Login
  4. Enter the email address and password for your account.

What does "My University" mean?

Many universities will often license services and databases, which you can use if you are affiliated with the institution. To authenticate users, they use an authentication and authorization infrastructure based on Shibboleth. If you click "My University" you will be redirected to your university's Shibboleth login page. After you've logged on with your university email address or user name and your university password, your Citavi Account is created automatically. If you don't see your university in the list, select another method of creating your account.

If the Site License Expires or If You Leave the Organization

Your license key will be valid for the duration of the organization's site license agreement. If your organization renews its license agreement, you will find a new license key in your Citavi account before the "activated until" date.

If your organization does not renew its site license for Citavi, or if you leave the organization, and therefore are no longer entitled to a current license key, you can purchase a license in our shop.