Import sequence numbers

This add-on requires Citavi 6.5 or later.

You want to continue using the sequence numbers that were previously assigned to all references in previous Citavi versions.

To do so, import the sequence numbers from your old projects:

  1. On the Tools menu, click Manage add-ons.
  2. Select the Import sequence numbers add-on. Then, click Install and restart Citavi.
  3. Open the project from Citavi 3, 4 or 5 in Citavi 6 (if you haven't already) to convert it to a local Citavi 6 project.
  4. In Citavi 6, on the File menu, click This project.
  5. Click Import Sequence Numbers. Select the Citavi 3, Citavi 4, or Citavi 5 project.
  6. Select the custom field the sequence numbers should be imported into.