Ordering Books and Articles by Email
This add-on requires Citavi 6.8 or later.
Use this add-on if you want to send a book order to your local bookstore or if you want to order a journal article from the responsible person in your company.
- For Outlook users:
The add-on generates an email with a text of your choice to the email address you select. It will automatically insert the bibliographic information for the reference into the email. - For users of other email programs:
The add-on copies bibliographic information and a text of your choice to the Clipboard.
Setting up the add-on
- On the Tools menu, click Manage add-ons.
- Select the Order book by email add-on. Then, click Install and restart Citavi.
- On the Tasks & Locations tab, click Order.
- If you want, save a short text for future orders. Click Configure ordering and enter the text of your choice. Here's a sample text:
Dear Sir or Madam,
I would like to place an order for the book listed below to be picked up at your store. Please let me know once the book has arrived.
Best regards,
John Doe - In the Recipient (Outlook) field, enter the email address for the person you want to send the order to.
- Click OK to close the window.
Sending your order
- Switch to the reference you want to order.
- On the Tasks & Locations tab, click Order.
- Click either Order by email (Outlook) or Order by email (Clipboard).