Correcting Paths

icon_localCorrecting Paths in Local Projects

If you manage your PDF files outside of your Citavi project, it can happen that the path to the PDF file is no longer correct. This can easily happen if a PDF file is moved to a new location. You can fix the problem by correcting the path information.

  1. Open the project.
  2. Create a backup: File > This project > Create backup.
  3. On the File menu, click This project > Properties.
  4. Switch to the Attachments tab.
  5. Click Repair paths.
  6. Replace the part of the path that no longer is correct with the new path.

icon_cloudCorrecting Paths in Cloud Projects

This feature is not available in cloud projects.

icon_serverRepairing Paths in DBServer Projects 

This feature is not available in DBServer projects.