Formatting Tab

Default Text Style for Formattable Text Fields


Changes you will make here do not affect existing text.

The default text style for formattable text fields (abstract, table of contents, quotations, thoughts) is 9-point Segoe UI. You can change this setting. Click Default to restore the default style.

Knowledge items

If you select the Include core statements checkbox, the core statement of the knowledge item will be copied when you copy it to the Clipboard.

To keep the size of your Word document from increasing due to embedded image quotations, clear the Embed images when exporting checkbox. Citavi will then insert a link to the image in your Word document. However, this can lead to problems if you want to give Word documents to others. The images will then need to be embedded later on. You can find this command in Word by clicking Options > Prepare > Edit Links to Files > Break Link.

Date Format

In some date fields (for example Access date) you can right-click to insert the current date. Here you can set the date format that Citavi should use.


Do not use the British date format (dd/MM/yyyy). If the day is 12 or less, Citavi will interpret the date incorrectly. For example, an entry such as 12/01/2019 will be output in Word as 1 December 2019.
The ISO format (yyyy-MM-dd), American format (MM/dd/yyyy), and German format (dd.MM.yyyy) are unproblematic. The citation style you select can then interpret the date correctly and output it in the British or other date format required by the style.