Importing from Mendeley

Citavi can import references from Mendeley as long as the Mendeley library was exported in BibTeX format.

Export your Mendeley library in BibTeX format

  1. Open Mendeley Desktop.
  2. Press the F5 key to synchronize your local database with your online database.
  3. Select all the references in your Mendeley library.
  4. On the File menu click Export.
  5. Enter a name for the file. SelectVergeben Sie einen beliebigen Dateinamen. Wählen Sie als Dateityp BibTeX (*.bib) as the file type.
  6. Click Save.

Import the BibTex file in Citavi

  1. Switch to Citavi and open a project or create a new project.
  2. On the File menu, click Import.
  3. Select Another reference management program. Click Next.
  4. If you don't see Mendeley in the list, click Add filter.
  5. Enable the Mendeley (via BibTeX Export) option. Click Next.
  6. Click Browse. Select the file with the .bib file ending and click Open. Click Next.
  7. In the import window that appears, you can choose which references you want to import. To import all the references, click Add to project. To add specific references only, first select the corresponding checkboxes.

Citavi copies the PDF files from the folder C:\Users\[Your name]\AppData\Local\Mendeley Ltd\Mendeley Desktop\Downloaded to the sub-folder Citavi Attachments in the project folder for the project you imported the BibTeX file into.