Importing from PubMed

The easiest way to search PubMed® is to use Citavi's Online search feaure. Use the PubMed (Large results sets) option in Citavi if you expect thousands of results.

Searching within Citavi or on the PubMed website – which is better?

PubMed offers three options that are not available in Citavi:

If you want to use these options, perform your search directly in PubMed in your browser. Then, import your results into Citavi.

Importing from PubMed

  1. Perform your search in PubMed.
  2. Near the top of the page, click Send to.
  3. Choose Citation Manager.
  4. On the Selection menu, select one of the following options: All results on this page, All results or Selection.
  5. Click Create file.
  6. Save the file on your computer.
  7. Double-click the NBIB file to start the import.

Please note:

If you imported contributions from conference proceedings, festschrifts, or edited books, you may find that Citavi appears to import more references than expected. For example, you might import a project with 98 references and find 115 in Citavi. This is not an error, but a difference in how Citavi stores related references. Citavi differentiates between parent and child references and divides them into different reference types that are connected to each other. The result is that 98 references in PubMed can become 115 in Citavi.