Searching in IEEE from within Citavi

To search the IEEE database from withing Citavi, you need to enter a key. You can get this key for free from IEEE as long as your university, library, or organization has a subscription to the IEEE database.

Searching in IEEE from within Citavi

  1. Check your library website or ask a librarian to see if you can access IEEE through a subscription.
  2. If no subscription is available, see the alternative "Importing from IEEE in your browser" further down in this chapter.
  3. Go to
  4. Fill out the registration form.
  5. Confirm your email address.
  6. You will be redirected to the IEEE page. There, click "Apply for access to the API".
  7. You will be prompted to register your application. There you can enter the following:
  1. Click Register Application.
  2. Copy the key. Usually, the key will be 24 characters long and contain letters and numbers.
  3. It can take a few hours until the key is activated. You will receive an email from IEEE. Make sure to retain the email for your records.
  4. Start Citavi.
  5. Perform your search in IEEE.
  6. A login window appears. Enter your key in the Password field and select the option to save the access information.

If you are logged in to Citavi 6, Citavi will save your access information in your Citavi account. This lets you perform an IEEE search on all computers on which you are logged in to Citavi 6.

Importing from IEEE in your browser

  1. Open
  2. Perform your search.
  3. In the header, select the option to see 100 results per page.
  4. Enable the Select All on Page checkbox.
  5. Click Export.
  6. On the Citations tab, select the RIS format and under Include select the Citations & Abstract option.
  7. Click Export.
  8. A text file with the .ris file extension will be downloaded.
  9. Double-click the .ris file.
  10. Accept the UTF-8 character encoding suggested by Citavi.
  11. Change the sequence of the names to first name last name.
  12. Click Next to start the import.
  13. Open the next page of results in the browser and repeat steps 4-8 and 11.