Locating Books

During your research you may have found bibliographic information for relevant books and imported it into your Citavi project. To locate copies of these books, you can check if they are available through the library you use most often. The requirements are:

Library not available for "Find library locations"?

The Find library location feature requires that the library support searching by ISBN number. Unfortunately, not all libraries can do this, so those catalogs will not appear for location search. Other libraries might support searching by ISBN but the location information isn't exported in the list of search results.
If your library offers a link resolver, you can use that instead of a location search. Simply check for availability.

Locating a Book

  1. In the Reference Editor switch to the reference that you want to locate.
  2. On the Tasks & locations tab, under Locations, click Find library locations.
  3. If you need to, add additional libraries to search by clicking Tools Options > Search >Add database or catalog. Find the library and click Add. Use the upward-pointing arrow to place the library at the top of the list to ensure that it is searched first.
  4. If you want, choose the option Make note of unsuccessful searches. If no location information is available, Citavi will make a note of it.
  5. Select whether you want to add only the first location found for each reference or if you want to add all locations found for each reference.
  6. Click Find locations.
  7. When the search is complete, click Save locations.

Locating Multiple Books

  1. If you want, you can search for all books in your project that do not yet have location information. To do this, switch to the Quick search with Ctrl+F and enter loc: ! in the search field. Click Apply search results as selection.
  2. On the References menu, click Find library locations and then click The n references with ISBN numbers in the current selection.
  3. If you want, select Add only the first location found for each reference, if you're using multiple catalogs for your search and only need one location.
  4. If you want, select Make note of unsuccessful searches. If no location information is available in any of the selected catalogs, Citavi will make a note of it.
  5. If you need to, add or remove additional libraries to search under Tools > Options > Search > Location search, so that only libraries relevant to you will be searched.
  6. Click Find locations.
  7. When the search is complete, click Save locations. All references with ISBN numbers that were found in a catalog now have locations.

Add a List of ISBN Numbers and Search for Locations

Follow these steps if you have a list of ISBN numbers of books that you want to add.

  1. Copy the list to the Clipboard.
  2. In the Reference Editor, click ISBN, DOI, other ID.
  3. Select Text from Clipboard.
  4. Click Paste from Clipboard.
  5. After the search is complete, click Add to project. All references that were found will be added as a selection to the open project.

Finding Books that are Not Available at Your Library

You can also take this opportunity to find the references that are not available in your library. This is useful for adding Buy or order tasks to each of the references.

  1. Open the Quick Search (click Search or press Ctrl+F).
  2. First, find the references that are available at your library. Enter the name of your library in the search field. For example, if you visit the Library of Congress, enter loc: Library of Congress to find all references containing "Library of Congress" in their locations.
  3. Press Ctrl+A to select all the results.
  4. Click More actions and then click Exclude from selection. All the references that are not available at your library are now selected.
  5. You can now add a task to these references. On the References menu, point to Batch modify > Add task > The n references in the current selection. Choose a task type from the list, such as Buy or order. Click OK to add the Buy or order task to each reference in the selection.