Documenting Relationships

Reviews are often useful for your research since they critically examine and evaluate new publications and research results. Familiarity with reviews can give you a deeper understanding of the original text's contents and context. You can use Citavi to document the links between a review and the original work. Just make sure that both works (the reviewed work and the review itself) are saved in your project.

Author A Reviews Author B

  1. In the Reference Editor, switch to the reference by Author A.
  2. Click the Context tab.
  3. Under Links, in the This reference links to section, click New linkicon_hinzufuegen. Click the To menu.
  4. Click the short title of the reference by Author B.
  5. Insert the page numbers if needed.
  6. To evaluate whether the review was positive or negative, click the scale.
  7. If you want, insert an explanatory note and click OK.

Author A is Reviewed by Author B

If you come across a publication that discusses a work that is already in your project, you can document this relationship by using This reference is linked from.

  1. In the Reference Editor, switch to the reference by Author A.
  2. Switch to the Context tab. Under Links, in the This reference is linked from section, click New linkicon_hinzufuegen. Click the From menu.
  3. Click the short title of the reference by Author A.
  4. Insert the page numbers if needed.
  5. To evaluate whether the review was positive or negative, click the scale.
  6. If you want, insert an explanatory note and click OK.

Additional links

Use the Additional links field to add reviews that you do not necessarily want to add as a separate reference to your project.