Advanced Placeholder Options

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The selected citation style dictates how citations appear in the formatted document. Occasionally, you will need to override a citation style default. Placeholder options let you tell Citavi how you need a citation to appear.

The following options can be entered in the manuscript manually, or in the Format publication window, you can find them on the Format menu.


Function: This option forces a full bibliographic citation to be used in a footnote or after a quotation.
Example: {Luhmann 2004 /bibcit} becomes: "Luhmann, Niklas: Law as a Social System. Oxford University Press 2004."


Function: This option forces a full in-text citation. A common use is if you are using a citation style that calls for "ibid." on repeated citations, but you need a full citation instead.

The following example illustrates this situation: "Luhmann {Luhmann 1993 /yearonly} describes our societies as social systems. See the following diagram: <Graphic> {Luhmann 1993 /textcit}"
If the selected citation style requires "ibid." for repeated citations, the caption after the graphic would only be "ibid." Instead, the example manuscript produces "Luhmann (1993) describes our societies as social systems. See the following diagram: <Image> (Luhmann 1993)"


Function: This option forces a footnote style citation.
Example: {Luhmann 1997 : 27 /footcit} becomes: "Luhmann, p. 27"


Function: A placeholder with this option is replaced with just the name of the author. The reference will be listed in the bibliography.
Example: As {Luhmann 1997 /persononly} explains in his groundbreaking work… becomes: "As Luhmann explains in his groundbreaking work…".


Function: A placeholder with this option is replaced with just the year of publication. The reference will be listed in the bibliography.
Example: Luhmann's two most famous works were published in {Luhmann 1997 /yearonly} and {Luhmann 1999 /yearonly}. becomes: "Luhmann's two most famous works were published in 1997 and 1999."


Function: Some citation styles place citations in parentheses. This option suppresses the parentheses.
Example: According to {Luhmann 1997 /nopar}, this means that… becomes "According to Luhmann 1997, this means that…".

Note: Citavi detects when a placeholder is already in parentheses and will then automatically suppress parentheses, so the /nopar option is often unnecessary. For example, (See also {Luhmann 1993}) will be formatted by Citavi as "(See also Luhmann 1993)" There is no option to add parentheses because the citation style already defines whether they will appear or not.


Function: This option allows you to cite a reference without listing it in the bibliography.
Example: According to {Luhmann 1997 /nobib}, this means that… becomes "According to Luhmann 1997, this means that…". The cited reference will not be listed in the bibliography.


Function: This option forces a reference to be listed in the bibliography without the insertion of an in-text citation.
Example: After her death, her work was continued by her students. {Jones 2001 /bibonly}{Miller 2005 /bibonly}


Function: With this option you can format numbers as paragraphs.


Function: With this option you can format numbers as column numbers.


Function: With this option you can format numbers as margin numbers.


Function: With this option you can format numbers the way "Other Numbers" have been defined in the citation style.


Function: With this option you can format numbers as lowercase Roman numerals.


Function: With this option you can format numbers as uppercase Roman numerals.

Combining Multiple Options

The Publication Assistant will never insert conflicting options in a placeholder. But it cannot prevent you from inserting them into a manuscript manually. Citavi has internal conflict resolution rules that dictate which options take priority if there is a conflict:

/persononly and /yearonly are mutually exclusive. In case of conflict, /persononly takes priority and /yearonly will be ignored.

/persononly and /nopar can be combined: {Luhmann 1993: 234 /persononly /nopar} becomes "Luhmann, p. 234".

/yearonly and /nopar can be combined; {Luhmann 1993: 234 /yearonly /nopar} becomes "1993, p. 234".

/textcit cannot be combined with /persononly or /yearonly. /textcit takes priority and the other options will be ignored.

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