When you format a publication, Citavi searches the placeholders in your document, replaces them with the correct formatting, and adds a bibliography. Citavi saves the formatted document as a copy, so your unformatted manuscript remains.
Important: When you need to make changes to your document, always edit the unformatted manuscript and then format again! A formatted copy cannot be formatted again.
Citavi works with documents created in Microsoft Word (2000 or later) and Writer (version 3 or later, in either OpenOffice.org or LibreOffice). However, you can work with other programs, too, as long as they save documents in Rich Text or ODT format.
You can also format multiple documents at the same time. This is especially useful if you have broken up your publication into smaller documents, for example, one file for each chapter.
Formatting a Publication
1.Save and close the Word or Writer document.
2.In the Reference Editor, on the Citation menu, click Format publication.
3.Click Add document and select the files that make up the manuscript. Citavi scans each one for placeholders. Repeat if necessary until all the parts of the manuscript have been added.
4.After scanning the documents, Citavi shows a list of all the placeholders in the manuscript. If needed, correct broken placeholders.
5.You can change the order of the documents. Click the document you want to move and click the up or down arrow in the toolbar.
6.Click Format.
Placeholders that were successfully matched to a single reference appear with a green check mark. Broken placeholders appear with a red X. Broken placeholders are either ambiguous (placeholders that match multiple references) or do not match any references at all. Citavi creates a copy of your document and replaces all placeholders with the corresponding citation in the selected citation style, and according to any placeholder options you may have used. Citavi also creates a bibliography from the references cited in the publication.
Hint: You can speed up the formatting of Word documents by first saving them in RTF format directly in Word and then formatting them with Citavi.
Repairing Broken or Missing Placeholders
1.Click a broken placeholder. The preview displays the placeholder in context.
2.Click Select reference.
3.A search window opens. Find the correct reference and double-click it or click the reference and press OK to finish.
Note: When you fix a broken placeholder in the Format Publication window, it is not changed in the original manuscript. You may want to correct the broken placeholder in the original manuscript to ensure that you remain consistent if you reuse the manuscript, for example to format it in a different citation style. In most cases, adding the sequence number is the easiest way to positively identify a reference.
URL for this page:
http://manual.citavi.com/en/?formatting_publication.htm (Last updated: 05.07.2012 10:44:58)
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