Bibliographic information frequently includes dates and years. You can edit the properties of a date component to customize how dates appear.
For example, the date January 30, 2009 can appear in a citation or bibliography in many ways. For example:
Appearance |
Custom format specifier |
2009 |
yyyy |
January 2009 |
MMMM yyyy |
2009-01-30 |
yyyy-MM-dd |
1/30/09 |
MM/dd/yy |
Jan 30, 2009 |
MMM d, yyyy |
30.01.2009 |
dd.MM.yyyy |
The full list of custom format specifiers is available from Microsoft:
There are also standard date formats that are defined by your operating system. These formats change depending on the date format set on your computer system. For example:
Appearance (computer setting) |
Standard format specifier |
1/16/2009 (en-US) |
d |
Friday, January 16, 2009 (en-US) |
D |
January 2009 (en-US) |
y |
The full list of standard format specifiers is available from Microsoft:
Occasionally, you may add a reference that has not been published yet. In these cases, right-click a date or year field and click In press to insert a placeholder.
In the citation style editor, you can set the text that the placeholder is replaced with, such as "in press" or "forthcoming"
In some use cases, instead of a year component, you will see a year derived component instead. See Using Special Components.
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