Obtaining Sources

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After performing online searches, you will want to actually obtain and work with the books and articles you have found. From Citavi you can download the full-text articles from the Internet (if available), order books from online booksellers, and request interlibrary loan items from your university library.

Finding Full Texts

1.In the Reference Editor, on the References menu, click Check availability and find full text. Then click Find full text.

2.Select the references you want to find the full text for, then click Find full text.

3.Citavi searches several online resources. If full text is found, a link is added to the reference.

Hint: If you only have a dozen or so references, you may want to select the Download full text checkbox. If you have several hundred references, it is better to download PDFs individually. In this case, Citavi will add a link to the full text for each individual reference.

Checking Availability at Your Library

Many university libraries offer a service (called an OpenURL link resolver) which Citavi can use to check whether an article is available through the library. The link resolver will take you to a Web page showing the available options, such as a link to a full text or the item's library catalog entry.

1.In the Reference Editor, on the References menu, point to Check availability and find full text, and then click Check availability with OpenURL.