Printing a Compilation of Quotations and Thoughts

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You can print all of your quotations (both text and image) and thoughts. If you have used categories to group quotations and thoughts, the items will be grouped accordingly.

Saving Quotations and Thoughts as a Compilation.

1.Switch to the Knowledge Organizer.

2.On the File menu, click Save compilation. Alternatively, click Save compilation on the toolbar or press F12.

Saving Quotations and Thoughts with Options

1.Switch to the Knowledge Organizer.

2.On the File menu, point to Save compilation, and then click Save with options.

3.In the Compilation window that appears, select:

The knowledge items you want to include in the compilation:

All knowledge items in the project

Knowledge items in the current category and its subcategories, if you have categories selected

Knowledge items in the current category, if you have categories selected and do not want to include subcategories

The n selected knowledge items, if you have quotations or thoughts selected

Formatted: With references and bibliography in selected citation style to print a finished compilation, including a bibliography. A finished compilation is useful for showing your work in progress to someone else.

Preliminary: With placeholders for later use with Format publication to print a preliminary compilation with no bibliography and with placeholders instead of citations.

Whether to Include core statements of quotations as headings.

4.Click OK to save the compilation.

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