Adding Quotations from the Preview

You can very easily excerpt quotations from PDF files using the integrated Preview.

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Open the PDF in the Preview.

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If necessary, enlarge the Preview.

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Highlight the desired quotation and click Quote.

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Citavi uses the first words of the quotation to create a Core statement. You can keep this suggestion, change it, or overwrite it.

If you do not want Citavi to suggest corestatements, right-click in the Core statement box and deactivate the option Generate core statement automatically.

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Since this is a direct quotation, insert Quotation marks. Highlight the quotation (STRG+A) and select the appropriate quotation marks.

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If necessary, Shorten the quotation. Use necessary symbol, such as the brackets containing an ellipsis.

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Enter the page range where the quotation was take from. Citavi can detect the page number and add it automatically if it is present in the PDF's metadata.

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Add additional information as needed: Keywords (optional) and Categories (recommended).

Hint: Text that has been copied from PDF files often contains unwanted line breaks. You can easily remove this formatting. On the Format menu, click Remove paragraphs and tabs.

See also: