Importing and Exporting Categories

When you start a new project, you can import your category system from an existing Citavi project or an outline from another program.

You can export the categories you create in Citavi to Microsoft Word®, Writer®, ConceptDraw®, FreeMind® oder Mindjet MindManager Pro®. This way you can keep using the categories as an outline in the word processor or MindMapping® program.

hmtoggle_plus1 Importing a Category System from Another Citavi Project

  1. In the Knowledge Organizer click Categories.
  2. In the toolbar above the navigation area, click Tools: Icon Zahnrad Point to Import category system and click From a Citavi project.
  3. Locate the project you want to copy the category system from.
  4. Click Open.
  5. Citavi will copy the category system to the new project.

hmtoggle_plus1 Importing a Category System from a Word Processor

You can create an outline in Microsoft Word® or Writer® and then import it to Citavi, provided you use default styles (that is, Heading 1, Heading 2, etc.) in the word processor..

  1. Save the Microsoft Word or Writer document.
  2. Switch to Citavi and open the project you want to import the outline into.
  3. In the Knowledge Organizer click Categories. In the toolbar above the navigation area, click ToolsIcon Zahnrad. Point to Import category system > From a Word document or From a Writer document, respectively.
  4. Choose the document and click Open.
  5. Citavi imports the outline into your project as a category system.

hmtoggle_plus1 Exporting a Category System to a Word Processor

You can export a category system you created in Citavi to a text document.

If you are using the Citavi Add-In for Microsoft Word do not follow the instructions below. Instead, use the Add-In to Import all categories from your Citavi project.

  1. In the Knowledge Organizer click Categories. In the toolbar above the navigation area, click ToolsIcon Zahnrad. Point to Export category system > To Word or To Writer.
  2. Citavi creates a new word processing document and copies the category system as an outline.