Insert Advanced

You can quickly insert references or knowledge items into your document by double clicking or by clicking Insert. The citation style's standard formatting will be directly applied.

Alternatively, you can insert references with other formatting. Select the reference or knowledge item and click Insert advanced. You can also add options later on to citations you've already inserted by selecting a citation on the Citations tab and then selecting the option you want to use in the bottom section of the tab.

hmtoggle_plus1 Inserting References with Options

When working with author-date styles, you can use Quick insert options to insert references in different formats. Select a reference and click one of the Quick insert options. Instead of the standard formatting (Miller 2013) you will see one of the following:

  • Clicking (Person) results in (Miller)
  • Clicking (Year) results in (2013)
  • Clicking Person (Year) results in Miller (2013). You can enter additional text between the author and the date fields.

In addition to the Quick insert options, you can also insert a reference with other formatting. Year only, Person only and Person (Year) are the same as the Quick insert options. Here they can also be combined with the option No parentheses:


Without additional options

Option: No parentheses

Without additional options

(Miller 2013)

Miller 2013

Year only



Person only



Person (Year)

Miller (2013)

Miller (2013)

Other options:

  • Page range: If you want to cite the page numbers for a certain reference, enter them in the Page range field. Never simply type the page numbers in the field in your document! Otherwise, these page numbers will be overwritten the next time the file is refreshed (see Important Information.) Always enter the complete page range in the Page range field, e.g. 14-15. The citation style needs this information in order to apply the correct formatting: p. 14–15, p. 14f. or pp. 14-15.
  • Prefix: Add additions such as "c.f." or "see". Additions you enter here will be formatted according to your citation style. For example, in some citation styles, the first word in a footnote will be capitalized automatically.
  • Suffix: Add additions such as "etc.".
  • Numbering type: As a default, Citavi treats the numbers entered in the Page range field as pages. If necessary, change the type to columns, section numbers, margin numbers, or other so Citavi uses the right prefix (Col., Nr., §) as it's defined in your citation style. Use the Other option to manually enter complex ranges with multiple prefixes, e.g. §14 Col. 12.
  • Numeral system: Here you can switch from Arabic to Roman numerals.
  • Bibliography entry: As a default, every reference inserted into your document will also appear in the Bibliography. With this option you can tell the Word Add-In that a reference should not appear in the text but only in the bibliography. You can also specify that a reference should only appear in the text but not in the bibliography.
  • Rule set: The citation style you choose determines whether a reference is inserted in the text or in the footnotes. You can choose to insert a reference using the other rule set if you want to use alternative formatting. For example, you might want to enter a complete citation for one reference in your text the way it would appear in the bibliography.
  • Format option (1, 2, 3): Some styles contain rules for formatting upon a second citation. For example, a source might be cited fully the first time. If the same reference is cited directly after the first, "ibid." might be used. Sometimes you might want to suppress this authomatic formatting if "ibid." appears as the first reference on a new page. Some citation style let you do this with an Option. Other styles may use the options for other alternative formatting.
  • Insert as: When you insert a reference, the citation style controls whether it is entered in the text or in the footnotes. You can override this setting by choosing here if the reference should be inserted in the text or in a footnote.

hmtoggle_plus1 Inserting Knowledge Items with Options

A knowledge item always consists of the text of the knowledge item and the bibliographic information for the work from which the knowledge item originated. In Citavi you also compose a core statement for each knowledge item. When you select a knowledge item for insertion you can choose between three options when you click Insert advanced:

  • Core statement, knowledge item, and citation
  • Text and citation
  • Core statement and citation
  • Citation only

In each case you can also choose options for formatting the reference (see above).