Exporting Attachments to a Folder Tree

With this add-on you can export all attachments from a project.

If you are working with a cloud project, download the attachments before you run the add-on.

All of the attachments in a project will be exported to a folder structure that corresponds to your category tree in Citavi. Each PDF will be saved in a folder or folders named after the categories assigned to the reference the PDF is attached to.


If you want, you can first create a selection in your project and then only export the references for the current selection. This makes sense if you want to export the PDF files only for the references you cited in your document. To do this, open the Word document created with Citavi. Then, in Citavi, select the filter By quoted references in current document.

  1. On the Tools menu, click Manage add-ons.
  2. Select the Export attachments to a folder tree add-on. Then, click Install and restart Citavi.
  3. On the References menu, select Export attachments to a folder tree.