Adding Comments (Orange Highlights)

You can add a comment to a direct quotation and an indirect quotation. However, you then won't be able to see if a quotation had a comment added to it in the list of knowledge items. For this reason, we recommend saving standalone comments most of the time:

Selecting a Text Passage and Adding a Comment

  1. Use the text selection tool to select the text you want to highlight: Icon: Text selection tool
  2. Click the orange Comment icon: Icon: Indirect quotation
  3. Citavi creates a new comment and generates a core statement automatically using the first few words in the selection. You should ideally change the core statement to better reflect your understanding of the text passage. Enter your comment in the Text field.

After you've created a comment, Citavi will hide the highlighting in the text and display an orange bar in the left margin. You can display the highlighting again by hovering over the bar with your mouse. Click the bar to edit the text.

Deleting Orange Highlights

  1. Click the orange highlight in the margin.
  2. On the shortcut menu, select Delete.
  3. Citavi asks if you also want to delete the linked item.
  4. Select what you want to delete and click OK.