Protecting a Team Project

You have the choice of protecting a project or leaving it unprotected:

You can project a project when you create it, or you can protect it later. When you protect a project, you automatically become a Project leader for the project.

Sometimes it may not be necessary to protect the project from within Citavi:

hmtoggle_plus1 Protecting an Existing Team Project and Assigning Roles

  1. Open the unprotected team project.
  2. On the File menu, click Project properties.
  3. Click the Team setup tab.
  4. Make sure no other team members are using the project, or else they may lose any unsaved changes they have made.
  5. Click Protect with login and enter your e-mail address and a password. You can also set up other team members to grant access to specific persons.
  6. Sie können jetzt Team-Mitglieder hinzufügen.

Important: All backups of the team project that were created before the project was protected are not protected and can be opened by anyone with access to the backups. If the backups contain sensitive information, move them to a location that unauthorized users cannot access.

hmtoggle_plus1 Unprotecting a Project

To unprotect a team project, you must be a project leader of it.

  1. Open the protected project you want to unprotect. Log in if necessary.
  2. On the File menu, click Project properties.
  3. Make sure no other team members are using the project, or else they may lose any unsaved changes they have made.
  4. Click Unprotect team project. All members will be removed from the project.